lördag 16 april 2011

How about some Swedish feminism?

The site is in Swedish but the main this is what the hell goes on in some womens heads.

Here is some of the text translated: (excuse my poor translation, but i wanted to tell you the big picture about the article)
By making half of the Swedish currency have a women character on them the Riksbank wishes to achieve some form of equality. Yet this was not OK by the organisation known as Liberal women. The sum of all currency that women represents is less than half of the value of the currency that the men represent. 

 Why should that matter? They are arguing like they are still in kindergarten.... I hate how womens groups (at least in my country) can't even act like grown ups and focus on what really matters...

9 kommentarer:

  1. This feminist stuff is starting to get out of hand, there is nothing you can do that actually pleases them but full control over everything...

  2. Oh wow, that's like the most petty argument I've ever seen. Why waste so much time and effort on something so pointless?

  3. Don't worry, the feminist in the US aren't any better.

  4. Isn't that like a definition of feminism?

  5. Lich: I am beginning to think so I am afraid.

  6. feminism really is a problem sometimes. I posted about feminism a few days ago, if you want to check it out: http://octafbr.blogspot.com

  7. nice post! i really like your blog, followed!

  8. thanks for the translation. nice blog. look forward to more.

  9. Holy shit, if someone were to be like "Miles, we're going to put your head on the penny!" I sure as balls wouldn't say "THE PENNY IS THE LOWEST CURRENCY, HELL NO!" I would take that with extreme gratification.
